How do you remove a malicious script?
My website has been hacked. The index.htm page is being changed to include a malicious script. The script appears as the last line and after erasing the script, it reappears after a few days. So how do i remove the entire pest?
Update:Do I download the server contents, run a virus scan on the contents and then re-upload?
Do a full scan with free edition of MBAM..........
if you have a backup wipe everything and upload the clean backup version. if the script reappears then a) the "entry point" has not been detected/patched up or b) the script could be on the server/database side. recursively find any files with too lax file permissions.
circulate to staples and purchase Webroot Spysweeper..that rather took care of my laptop once I had an endemic that no different anti-virus software ought to eliminate..$30.00 for a twelve months, plus loose updates..
WebMaster Tips & Tools
There's tons of links and topics; you'll have to scrounge around to find more specifics for your exact situation.
Good luck.