How do I set Microsoft Word as my default word processor?
I'm using Windows 7 and my default word processor if Microsoft Works Word Processor. I just downloaded Microsoft Word and would like to know how I can set it as my default word processor so that when I download documents from Google Docs or open them in in emails or whatever it will open in Microsoft Word and not Word Works Word Processor. Thanks.
Go to the Control Panel/Default Programs. Scroll down the list to select Word as the
default for anything it can open.
Go to the Control Panel/Default Programs/Set Associations and set "Doc" to Word.
im not sure if you can set a default word processor. if you want to use work save a file and open it with word. if it opens it in works, right click the file, click open with, select microsoft word, and select always use this program for this file type. but if its a .wps it should open with works and if its a .doc or .docx i would imagine it would open with word.
On the home tab - Right click Normal style, and chose Modify Click Format, Paragraph, and change spacing