Is Oil & Natural Gas a Good Investment?

I have been contacted about investing in a energy capital bond, oil and gas production ( corporation bond ). The company is a private oil and gas production, operating company. The company is not public- traded.

The bond is secured by strong asset and credit ratings. If i invest 10,000 for a 1 year period, i will receive 6.5% per annum.

What are your thoughts, pro's and con's ?


  • this is the 3rd or 4th time I have seen this question from is getting pretty annoying

    #1. Being contacted by a company about a hot the quickest way to lose your money if you bite. This Boiler Room approach has no interest in your welfare

    #2 Sure O&G and Nat gas will be a decent investment in the future....but now not so much.....

    Stop repeating the same broken are headed for my TWIT list pretty fast

  • Commodity investments are volatile, dangerous and not tax efficient. You have to buy them in a special account or the taxes on the profits get insane.

  • You've already gotten quite a few answers for the same question. I guess you are either tolling or not getting the answer you want to hear??

    Ya know what, this is a great investment and you should invest NOW.

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