Premium fuel for a maxima?

I have a 2004 maxima and noticed that inside the fuel door it says "use premium fuel for maximum performance" does anyone know if a bone stock 3.5L is "tuned" for premium fuel?


  • You achieve maximum performance with premium but it will run just fine on 89 (mid grade).

    I've been running 89 in my 2000 max and it runs just fine.

    I would not run regular though.

  • Just as the fuel door says if you expect quick acceleration and performance use the good stuff. The only way you can tell is run a couple tanks then recheck the fuel mileage. It takes only 2 or 3 more miles a gallon over the 20 gallon tank to make premium fuel extra cost to be a wash. The car has knock sensors that allow the motor to run the maximum spark timing if the knock sensors hear regular fuel spark knock and pre detonation ping the Engine Control Computer slows the spark timing to attempt the burning of regular fuel.

  • Though your Maxima does not have a HO engine it is indeed a "premium recommended" vehicle, but not "premium required" vehicle. If a vehicle is premium recommended you're OK to try switching to regular unleaded gasoline. If, on the other hand, your car is "premium required" then you have to run premium fuel. You can confirm the information by checking your owner's manual.

  • It is, and you will suffer greatly for not using it: not only will you not get the performance you're paying for, but fuel economy will drop far enough to erase most of your putative savings at the pump.

    Consider yourself fortunate. On '09 and later, it's *mandatory,* as in "no warranty coverage if you don't."

  • They put the sign there for a reason

    If you get to a door and it says "Pull"

    Do you post a question asking if you should "Push" it?

    I know it is a bummer buying more expensive gas but the time to deal with that issue is the time of purchase.

  • Yes, all the VQ's are designed for premium fuel only.

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