My Coke Rewards ponts for a Nintendo Wii!?

I'm not gonna lie with some sob story - I'm trying to save up my coke points for a Nintendo Wii which I can't afford right now. It seems like a fun party machine and I want to have friends and family, and any other nice people who want to come over and play.

I currently have 510 points, I need to get up to 6250!

If you have any spare coke rewards points (on the bottlecaps or cardboard cases of cans), please send me an email with the codes. Thank you!


  • From time to time, there are promo codes posted on the Internet - search for them. Here's an earlier post with codes:

    Ask your friends, relatives, co-workers or strangers for them.

    I don't have any extras to give out, but good luck with your collection. You could look for them on recycling days in your neighborhood. Your neighbors may not use them and they just place the empty bottles with caps or the 12-pack cartons with the coke reward code in the recycling bin. You may ask them if you could have the discarded containers and cartons and ask your neighbors to save them for you in the future.

  • Actually, if you actually saved up rather than buy all that coke, you will probably have enough for a wii before you even reach 6250 points.

  • 100084148441474 for 25 Points

    100084056688357 for 25 Points

    100083158358966 for 10 Points

    100083969675326 for 10 Points

    100082622438433 for 10 Points

    100082211832616 for 10 Points

    100082157763657 for 5 Points

    100082021821624 for 3 Points

    100084377678573 free 20oz bottle of pop

    100084226454945 free 20oz bottle of pop

  • I will help.but could you chose me to be the best answer please thank you

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