Does my grandpa deserve a medal?

My grandpa was dropped into Vietnam to find prisoners of war, don't rescue them, just do recon. He didn't and he tried to rescue them and got captured for a long time. He broke free and rescued several men. He escaped Vietnam and got flown back to America for debriefing. He shot up his commanders office and told him to do more operations like that or he'd go rouge.

Does he deserve anything?



Update 3:

What I just said above is an EXACT plot summery of First Blood Part II


  • I think so but that's only my opinion.

  • That is the biggest made up story I have ever heard. Almost. I would LOVE to get your grandfathers ACTUAL records.

    Read here for many more similar stories:


    LMAO...what kind of "proof"?

    Oooooh...a Rambo II trailer on You Tube...unfortunately that isn;t going to cut it Einstein

  • You should ask your training master at your Do Jo where you have learned the art of Bull-sheet-o.

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