Why is Rebecca Black "Friday" so popular?

why can't it be just a unknown horrible song/video?


  • Because it's just so hilariously bad. Its like a joke, but it's not, which makes it even funnier. And it has important philosophy issues like whether you should kick in the front seat or sit in the back seat.

  • Because it's ridiculously bad and gets stuck in your head. Just like all the other memetic songs on the internet.

  • It's all because rebecca black like to revitalize the Allans

  • She's not popular with anyone. It's a very known horrible song.

  • It's famous for being horrible. Lol. That girl...god, what a musical genius!

    Sittin' in the front seat,

    Sittin' in the back seat,

    Which seat should I take?

    Umm, idiot, there's only one seat left. D:

  • i find it hilarious....especially the part where she goes "we we we so excited" and "sunday comes after-wards" basically 2:06-2:27 is the funniest part.

  • Because it's so bad that it's funny.

  • I think "infamous" would be a more appropriate word.

  • Because we so excited







    we so excited

  • Because it's catchy and sticks in your head,

    because it's innocent and non-threatening,

    because it promises a return to the fantasy of Eden

    when partying all weekend long was safe and fun and secure.

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