Does Pro Active work??
I am 22 years old and I have struggled with acne ever since I hit puberty. I have tried all kinds of over the counter face scrubs and none have really worked for me. I've heard good things about Pro Active and I've also heard that it's a scam. I was just wondering if I could get some feedback from anyone who has tried it before I go blow 25$ on another let down. I realize the only thing that would probably work is to go see a dermitologist but before anyone suggests that I have no insurance and a very little income.
It didn't work for me, my mom or my sister, but I have heard it works for some people. The best thing to do is see a dermatologist, but since that is not going to work, I suggest try Neutrogena Skin ID first. You call them and answer a bunch of questions and they match up their product to meet your needs. I think that might work better than Pro-Active
Pro Active made me breakout even more! It IS a scam. I just went to the dermotoligist/acne center today and the docter gave me a little sample of Benzoclin with Benzoyl Peroxide for my acne aswell as the acne scars on my back. Just follow the steps on that and the docter said that it should be healed, or well enough been treated in about 3 weeks.
It does not work, I've tried it for 2 years.
All it did was redden, iritate your skin and dry your skin really badly.
Pro Activ has strong chemicals (benzoyl peroxide which is the main) so strong it bleached my towels when I washed my face.
I don't recomend you using it, I have severe acne and I'm currently using birth control (yaz)
it may take a while (6 months) but it does the job and you benefit from many other things by using birth control.
It just depends how severe your acne is, if you have deep scarring don't buy it, it'll make it worse.
I would really recomend you using birth control for severe acne, thats what my doctor prescribed me, hope this helps some how
I hate to tell you but NO IT DOES NOT . . . .it didnt for me n e way. I am the same age and also have troubled skin since i have hit puberty . . . .i found that Dr.Miracle's Acne System works ok, but i havent found n e thing beside antibiotics that work . . .good luck . . . u may wanna try egg whites they worked for me for awhile . . .just let the egg white (no yolk) harden on your face for about 10 to 15 minutes and wash off . . .ull notice a difference immediately but it didnt last but about 6 months so i stopped using it for now, im gonna go back to it soon and see what happens . . .ill keep you posted.