Do periods sometimes come late?

Hello. I have very regular periods, to the point where I predict when its coming and am usually right when they do. However, this time it is not on schedule.

I am nervous cause this never happened before. I am having symptoms such as sore breasts and I feel bloated as usual but no cramps. Instead, it feels like my bladder is being pressed.

I have engaged in no sexual activity in the last month. Although, I did get a slight cold with coughing, a fever, sore throat and light "headedness" over the weekend. Could this be why it hasn't come yet? I have been on Spring Break and don't really have anything to be stressed about which is why I'm not counting on stress as a huge factor.

Anyway, my questions are:

-Do you think my period is just late?

-Does this normally happen often with some women?

-Could the sickness be the reason as to why it is late?

-Is it possible it could start being irregular?

Ok thank you so much for helping me! I'm sorry if I seem nervous but it never usually is late and I just want to make sure nothing is too wrong or going bad. Thanks a lot for the help(:


  • I had EXTREMELY normal periods for a long time. Then it was a few days late once. Now it's completely crazy. Are you around one woman a lot of times? That screws it up, actually. Something about the hormones in someone thats around you a lot, too, will mess with your period. My friend had been staying over for a few days (family problems), and thats when mine went crazy. Also, when I started my period, my Mom (who had never had a period a day late, or early), started having them about 10 days later than it had been.

    Originally, mine was on the 24th, now it's around the 6th. So, I would say that it's starting to get irregular. Same with me, by the way, I felt bloated and just weird when it started changing. So, I would say it's no big deal.

    Hope I helped!

  • Why Do Periods Come Late

  • Stress can have an affect on your time of the month although you say that probably isnt a factor. But an increase in physical activity or a different living situation can change it. By that I mean if you live with different females or are around other females your periods usually get in sync with eachothers. (This happened to me just last month and I was freaking out too!)

    Hope this answered your question. Gotta love being a girl sometimes :)

  • its more then likely just late due to you being sick. being sick would stress your body even if you were not emotionally stressed. so you're ok, its probably late due to that. i would say being irregular is common, you may just be off this one time or may be from now on. there is really know way to know for sure right now. before i was on BC i never knew when it would come. i would say you're just fine. don't worry. hope that helped! :)

  • strain slumbering overdue consuming much less endeavor alterations way of life alterations extra weight reduction in case you simply began, it takes a couple of years for durations to return probably you calculated fallacious? a couple of days is durations range from 25 days to 35 days

  • mine use to come late all the time. like 4 months would go by and i wouldnt get it. So you should be safe..

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