Italy removes cross from classrooms?

Italy is in uproar a court directive to remove crucifixes from classrooms in public schools . . . what do you think?

Fair? . . Keep out? . . religion first? . .or just bug off?


  • Totally fair. Religion belongs in people's homes and places of worship.

  • Humm by order of the European union Italy is fighting it

    nothing like infringing on the sovrinty of a Nation and thats what will Happen to the US if we sing that global warming crap

  • Italy has always been a bit behind due to religion.

    It's high time they removed endorsements of any particular religion from every building supported by taxes.

  • It doesn't need to be in a PUBLIC school anyway. I don't think their religion requires them to shove it into politics and school, by force. If anything, I thought it was the opposite preached by their 'Jesus' character and that he was against the mentality many right wing Christian fundies exhibit now.

  • Religion and public education don't mix.

  • My stance is it's all or nothing.

    If you have all the world's religious symbols on display, cool. If not, take the crosses down.

  • I don't care, I just clicked on your question cuz I wanted a better look at your avatar.

    I'm an atheist but I'm also tolerant to a point. So I would have to abstain from voting on that issue.

  • They have no business being there. They belong in a house of faith.

    They don't put periodic tables in a why is a cross in a school?

  • What the hell were crosses doing in classrooms anyhow?

  • A good first step.

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