I'm having a serious dilemma?

Okay. My relationship was going just fine up until today. Me & my boyfriend were cleaning our apartment when all of a sudden he finds an empty condom wrapper. My back was turned so I didn't know what he had discovered until he started yelling at me. He kept asking me who I had in the house and then resorted to calling me every name in the book. He just won't stop accusing me of being with other guys. Here's the dilemma: I have absolutely no idea where the empty condom wrapper came from. I have never cheated on him, I love him and not to mention we have a son together. I am not the type of woman to bring random guys around my baby. I have been pleading my case over and over again but he clearly doesn't believe me. I don't know what to do. I mean, it just doesn't make any sense. I almost feel a bit set up in a way. Do you think it could've been him using the condom? Please help, I need answers! Thank you in advance and please no rude comments...I have heard enough of them tonight.


  • It sounds like it's probably one of his old condom wrappers from when you guys were having sex at one time. It's not like he found it just sitting on something. You guys had to clean the apartment to find it. I'm not sure how to make him believe you. Worst comes to worst take a lie detector test. Lol! (But please...do it off the air)

  • First, don't even try having a conversation with him when he's mad. He won't listen...at all. Next, I would let him know that I would never do something like that, especially in our home. It could've possibly been him. Maybe he took it out of his pocket and started accusing you before you got the chance to accuse him. Maybe ask him where he found it and ask him if he knew where it come from? If he is making a huge deak out of it like you say he is maybe he doesn't trust you and that's something you guys should sit down and talk about. =)

  • Two thing come to mind he wants out so he is playing this for the family so he can lie and dump you!

    Or it came out of his pocket he thought he got busted and thats why he had to yell pretend.

    and he is doing someone and wants out due to child,wife he is young i bet wants to play?

    If not wanting to leave he is cheating check for condoms tell him your girlfriends boyfriend is a pi and he sad he would watch him to give u a heads up for free ha ha

  • YES it was him !

    Why do you think he made such a big deal out of it, huh? So that you'd spend all of your energy defending yourself and not think that maybe it was him. Also, any guy who would fly off the handle like that and call you names isn't someone that you should be living with. Too bad you're not married, because you right now have no rights, no protection and no commitment from this guy. Oh, well ...

    Me thinks he doth protest too much ...

  • The one who is guilty is usually the one making the most noise. Takes the heat off of themselves.

    Unless someone else has access to your apartment.

  • Well put it this way, if you know for sure you didn't use it and are truthful about it, then it only leaves one other person in the house who could of used it and I am sure it wasn't your son, so yes it may of been him and it fell out of his pockets.

  • If you are certain it wasn't you...and it wasn't there when you moved in...and it isn't your sons...what other options are there? You would do well to be very vigilant and pay attention to everything going on in your relationship

  • i think either it was his and he did that to hide that fact or he's looking for an excuse out of the relationship.... and im taking it that you dont use condoms in your relationship.

  • He's cheating!

  • it was his ? had his bird in wen you were out ?

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