Why do I need to upgrade IE to access my Yahoo calendar?

When I try to access my calendar it says that I need to upgrade to IE10 but I already have IE 11. If I press download, it says that I already have IE 10 and do not need to up grade but The page is frozen on this download page and I cannot access my calendar. I can get into my e-mail but not my calendar.


  • It sounds like you are having this problem because of a feature of Internet Explorer called "Compatibility Mode". To learn how to turn this off, please read "Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode", available at:


    You may also consider switching to a different free Web browser that may provide a better Internet experience for you. I suggest Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox; you can find them at the links below.

    Download Chrome:


    Download Firefox:


    I hope this has helped you!

  • Here are some things that might help depending on your system.

    I haven't found any support for IE 11 and the Yahoo Calendar on Yahoo. Here is what I have found with the computers I use, one with 8.1 and IE 11 and one with windows 7 and IE 11.

    If you are using Windows 8.1 with IE 11 the calendar will not work. It will sort of load on the My Yahoo home page but it will not work in mail with the icon on the left hand side.

    If you are using Windows 7 with IE 11 go to the gear icon, click on compatibility view and add yahoo. Make sure and uncheck the use Microsoft list and the view intranet sites in compatibility view. Close out of everything and then try. Otherwise, you can try Firefox or Chrome. At least this is what has worked for me.

    Added note, if you do this for Windows 7 and IE 11 the My Yahoo Homepage will not load mail or calendar modules. It is a one or the other type thing for Yahoo, windows 7 and IE 11. Although just recently the mail and calendar modules loaded on the home page.

    Please make sure the Enhanced Protection mode is unchecked in internet options, advanced tab.

    I also have Foxfire and Chrome and the calendar does work. It would help to have more information as to what you have and what you have tried if you still cannot access it.

    I hope something works for you.

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