how do you convert cm into cc?

i need to convert 200 cm into cc's..? help?


  • Well it isn't really a straight forward conversion because you are talking about two different types of units. cm is a unit of length and cc is a unit of volume. A cc is a cubic centimeter. So you aren't really converting units - just calculating volume from length. It would depend on the type of object you are calculating the volume for.


    Vol = 4/3*pi*r^3


    Vol = r^3

    These are two common shapes that requires only one length dimension. If this is what you need to calculate just Google the volume equation for said shape.

  • You need to have additional measurements.

    200cm is a measurement of length and cc stands for cubic centimeters, which is a volume measurement. To get cc, you need a length, width and height....or an area in cm^2 and another dimension in cm.

    cm cannot translate to cc as they are measurements of different things.

  • 1 cc =(1 cm)^3


    (200 cm)^3=8000 cm^3=8000 cc

  • You can't convert Centimeters to Cubic Centimeters because:

    cm -- is for length

    cm^2 -- is for area

    cm^3 -- is for volume

    Basically they are all different

  • You don't. Centimeters are used to measure length. Cubic centimeters are used to measure volume. You can't convert one into the other.

  • Multiply by cm twice

  • u can never convert that ..

    cm is one dimesional.

    cc is 3 dimensional

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