two positive opk tests far apart??!!?

alright so I took an OPK test on OCT 1st bc I had EWCM and sure enough it came back +...I waited to see when my charts would spike and they didnt as of oct 4th... kind of had my worried but I felt crampy yesterday afternoon/night SOOO I took another OPK and it came back positive also... Did I ovulate twice or was it the end of ovulation... my temp did spike indicating ovulation this morning which means the first OPK test (OCT 1st) was correct... so why did I get another positive 3 days later??

here's my chart... did we BD enough or should we BD one more night (tonight)

thanks for everyone's help!


  • It doesn't look like you ovulated until yesterday, and FF has your ovulation date wrong. FF has been doing that ALOT lately, not sure why. It is pretty clear to me that your actual ovulation date would have been yesterday. The other 2 temps before todays temps are too low to show ovulation. The spike in temps always occurs the day after ovulation.

    And yes, you can have more than one positive test, i have had more than one before. This should also tell you that you didn't ovulate when FF says you did, and yesterday would be your real ovulation day.

  • Sometimes you can catch the beginning, middle and end of your surge, which is more than likely what you did. Any time that you have a positive test, you should go ahead and have sex just in case. You want to cover all your bases, so if it's positive, bd. Baby dust to you!

  • Sometimes you can get a + OPK Test for 3 days in a row..I guess it just depends on every different person.

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