Does Zomig affect my birth control pills?

I have migraines about every 2 weeks and I'm always scared to mix my medication since I'm also on the daily birth control pill. Are the chances of the pill less effective then because of Zomig? I tried to do research on it but all I could find was "Additional monitoring of your dose or condition may be needed if you are taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills), cimetidine, or other migraine medicines. " on

Otherelse than the birth control and Zomig, there are no other drugs that I take and there are no blood-related problems that run in my family that I know of.


  • Zomig should not affect the effectiveness of birth control pills, in theory. Zomig just mimics the effects of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, in your brain. Birth control pills mainly control hormones, independent of serotonin.

    Both Zomig and birth control pills have however been associated with blood clots. If you do need to take them both you should ensure you do exercise and do not remain completely still or confined to a seat for any long period of time. This will decrease the chance of blood pooling and hence clotting.

    You should probably check with your doctor about the blood clot issue, even if you have no family history.

  • Diet pills are no good. And Yahoo! Answers is not the best place to obtain medical advice. My advice? Eat less, exercise more. More advice? Eat vitamins, drink moderate amounts of coffee, cut fast food and soda out of your diet completely, be a bit hungry sometimes, and optionally, have vigorous, aerobic birth-control protected sex for hours a night.

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