Who destroy World trade center in September 11 2001?

The truth: Israelis, coz no Israelis workers present during that day/no Israelis died. Think!!!!! Why no Israelis workers present that day?

The SLANDER from Christians and Jewish: Muslim (Including Osama)


  • The rumour that no Jews were killed in the WTC is a myth started by a Middle East Newspaper, you know those fine Newspapers, the ones that disrespected Dr Condoleezza Rice with their disgusting cartoons of her. That should give you an idea of the credibility they have.

    About 96 Jewish people were killed at the WTC, this was calculated as average for the workforce there.Who destroyed the WTC? a bunch of Saudi Terrorists who seemed to think American Forces in the North of their country apposing Iraqi Forces were 'occupying' their country. Who knows why they thought their country was occupied, people with U.S. Bases in their countries never see themselves as 'occupied' think of Britain, Germany, Iceland,

  • You need to lay off the conspiracy sites.

    Five citizens of Israel died on 9/11 in the World Trade Towers. Their names were Shai Levinhar, Hagai Shefi, Leon Libor, Daniel Levin and Alona Avraham.

    This does not include people who may have held joint American and Israeli citizenship as they were listed as American.

    THINK!!!!! Why do conspiracy theorists never do their homework and research things themselves. They just hear what they want to hear and think "Oh right, the Jews did it again!!! They do everything. Evil Jews!" when all they have to do to prove their intelligence is....read something other than stromfront type sites.

  • Moron. Even Al Qaeda is tired of the conspiracy theories:

    Al-Qaeda tells Ahmadinejad to stop ‘ridiculous’ 9/11 theories:


    Posted at 03:23 PM ET, 09/28/2011

    Al-Qaeda tells Ahmadinejad to stop ‘ridiculous’ 9/11 theories

    By Elizabeth Flock

    Even al-Qaeda is sick of hearing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s conspiracy theories.

    The glossy al-Qaeda-run magazine Inspire’s latest issue — a commemorative issue for the 9/11 attacks — calls Ahmadinejad’s beliefs “ridiculous” and says it “stands in the face of all logic and evidence.”

    In an address before the U.N. General Assembly last week, Ahmadinejad reiterated his belief that the U.S. government was somehow behind the attacks.

    The magazine appears to have criticized the Iranian leader because it didn’t want anyone else taking credit for the attacks, writing: “Iran and the Shi’a in general do not want to give al-Qaeda credit for the greatest and biggest operation ever committed against America.”

    The issue was entitled “The Greatest Special Operation of All Time,” and its cover image shows a silhouette of the World Trade Center made up of dollar signs.

  • Seriously stop drinking michael moore's cool aide. I understand that your opposed to organized religion. But seriously do your own research after you watch a movie by someone who can't even control his weight. I supposed the Jews are making him woof down all those dollar menue hamburgers as well.

  • Adam Lanza did

  • Next time you have a thought, let it go.

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