why dose my dog steal my potatos?

My little steals my potato's (raw potato's) i try to keep them in a place where he cant get them but there is only so many places you can hide a 10 lb bag i was just wondering if any one else had this problem before and knew why he dose it! here's a small bio to narrow down possibilities

1. Male


3 10 months old

4. small dog under 10 lbs

and no he doesn't eat them just steals any one have some Intelligent insight please give me your hypothesis!


p.s the dog gets lots of attention hes my baby and he is well trained it really his onle bad habbit


  • oh my puppy does the same thing! shes 4 months old though, but i put a stop to it REAL fast. the steps are....

    1.make sure your dog respects you as the leader

    2. every time he tries to do it clap your hand really loud

    3.say 'no' and close the pantry (if that's where you keep them) in his face

    it might have worked for my dog because shes a cockapoo so shes got smart poodle

  • He likes to play.

  • he's bored and untrained aka a puppy who needs more attention

  • maybe he was born in idaho

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