Obama prods Congress to pass health bill quickly?

What happend to the "We will show the details of this on Cspan"?"We will have the most and transparent administration in history!

Now Obama is prodding House and Senate Democrats to get him a final health care bill as soon as possible, encouraging them to bypass the usual negotiations between the two chambers in the interest of speed.Obama himself will take a hands-on role, convening another meeting with congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday. Pelosi, along with four other Democratic committee chairs, are expected to attend. I believe this is so that The people of the United States will not have a chance to get a glimpse of the merge of these bills.It's like all of his "transparent" back room politics. What's your opinion?


  • Get ready for Fascism guys.

    It's there already but wait till it's in your face!

    read this and pass it on before it's toooo late.


  • I think Obama was correct in saying "We will have the most and transparent administration in history!"

    Anyone with a brain can see right through them.

  • Lies, all lies. He hasn't done that with anything important. He's a fake and so is Pelosi and Reid and those who go along with it are already paying the price.

    Greg hit it right on the money!

  • 0bama KNOWS he is screwed come november he is trying to cram anything he can through now because he KNOWS Jessie Jackson gets his wish in the mid terms and barry gets his nuts cut off.

  • usa is bored with the republicants blockading this law at each turn by using fact they have been offered off by using the well being care insurance lobbies. rigidity it down their throats by using fact the GOP has continuously completed whilst they have been the majority.

  • ONLY Republicans would think that a year of debate is not long enough on health care reform but going to war can be decided without debate.

  • Big legislation is hard to pass, and the longer it takes, the lower the chances it will pass. This is why Clinton didn't get health reform passed in 1993.

  • By "quickly," he means, "without looking at it first."

  • Yes, he did about 9 months ago.

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