Is Paramore a girl band?

I like Paramore, but the other day my friend made fun of me because we are both guys. Would you consider them to be too girly and I shouldn't like them or like would they be okay to openly like.

I don't know exactly what to think.


  • First like whatever the **** you want and tell this twats to kiss your music loving ***. If your're listening to music simply to be "cool" or "fit in" then you are no real music fan, you poser!

    Now a "girl band" has all girls. Like The Go-Go's or The Bangles or The Donnas, The Supremes, The Ronettes...

    Paramore is band with a female lead singer. Like the best female lead band ever, Scandal, or Heart, or Blondie! (God they are SOOOOOO good and SOOOOO much better than Parabore in my opinion).

    And I know this is a stereotype but most people I know who list Paramore as a favorite are also listed as gay in their profiles. True for a lot of Blondie fans too... what's up with that?

    I don't listen to them because they have trite cliche lyrics and every song sounds the same and sound a lot like every other new band out there. But that's me... I'm into older music... because it's new to me and it did it first whatever "it" is.

  • No, Paramore is not a girl band. Paramore is a pop-punk quintet, and they've only been labeled as a "girl band" due to the fact that Hayley Williams is their lead vocalist. There is no shame in liking a band, especially if you enjoy their music. I'm a guy and I find them to be one of the greatest bands around.

    They are not too girly, and it's perfectly fine to openly like them. You'll find that a lot of other people do too!

  • No i do no longer think of that's. I advise lots of ladies hear to paramore yet tht does no longer mean that's a teenage lady band. i'm a woman and that i admire paramore yet i understand lots of adult adult males tht love paramore too. So pass forward hear to it its no longer a teenage lady band

  • I am a girl, but I understand that it may seem weird to guys to like a girl singer. Personally, Paramore is one of the best girl bands out there (yes I consider them a girl band), and there is nothing wrong with liking them. Of course, it helps to be a fan of other man bands as well.

  • Lots of guys listen to bands with girls in them. Go on last fm and search paramore and i guarantee some of the top listeners/people listening now will be guys.

  • No its just 1 girl and 4 guys. so there is more guys. Hayley said she has never toured on a bus with another girl. Anyway why would that matter. Don't let ur friends convince to not like something u like. I'm a guy and they are one of my favorite bands!!!

  • Paramore is not a girl band(only the singer,the others are guys,hopefully)

    for me there okay.. don't get easily feel shy or inferior just 'cause he criticize you

  • LOL! Well to start off i shud let you know that i am a girl, so that may differ my answer to the answer of guys. well i think that they arnt to girly, they sing good, and just because the lead singer is a girl that doesnt mean anything! We live in the 21st century so u shouldnt worry about what other people think, i mean its music and if you like it, there is nothing wrong with that.

  • not really all the people are guys except the lead singer and what your friend says seems really sexist. anyway if you like paramore go ahead a like it!

  • I'm a guy and I love paramore.


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