Do ESA payments get released early over Easter?

I'm on ESA and am due to be paid on Wednesday but it takes 3 working days to credit on a Wednesday so they release a payment on Monday (today) but it's a bank holiday so it doesn't get released as there's no-one to do it. Does it get released earlier? I'm a bit worried as on Wednesday, my pay day, I have to attend a mandatory medical assessment miles away and need to pay the £20 train fare to get there. Thanks.


  • They tell you it takes 3 working days - it actually takes a computer a few hours running through lists of each bank overnight - your particular transaction would take a few seconds - then the bank will update its own system from midnight - 9am and anywhere then will your money show wed.

    I think they just tell the poor people rubbish to get rid of them, the reality is the systems do it in minutes.

  • No only if you useally get paid on a Monday or Friday you would have got it last Thursday , sorry you will get it this wed , got mine early but just spent it earlier

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