Facebook made me depressed?

it made me so jealous of others and depressed about my own life! I know they only show the good thinks in their lives but I always felt like they had perfect lives (you know, the people you know you aren't properly friends in real life with but go through their profile on a random Sunday evening..) I just deactivatedy account a few minutes ago because I never went on it anymore. it was a constant source of worry because I KNOW how much people judge others on Facebook. my friends have admitted to stalking people and I know I used to always go through people's photos when I was addicted back when I first joint! they judge, and they judge harshly. whenever I asked anybody if Facebook made them feel self concious or jealous they said no :( am I the only one? oh and on my bday I was so worried nobody would say it on my wall!! it made me so paranoid! does/did anyone else feel like this?? x


  • Yes but a LOT of teenage girls show only show off their best side eg.take hundreds of pictures and spend ages editing them to cover zits or make themselves look slimmer before posting them.

    Even though before the pictures were taken they plastered on loads of make up and put on a trampy tight dress.

    The irony is they try to look as though they ooze confidence where as anyone who goes through all

    that effort to look good for a few silly pictures of them in their bedroomclearly has very low self esteem.

    A hell of a lot of girls in my school spend ages getting ready for Fb pictures and are totally unrecognisable in them and look totally fake and like barbie dolls.

    It can make you feel like rubbish looking at them,but they likely don't look like that all the time.

    As I said this is the "perfect"image they want to convey.

    Nobody looks perfect all the time and nobody feels gorgeous all the time,we as humans all have flaws.

    I find FB very depressing myself so I deleted my page a while ago it is just a big popularity contest, who has the hottest pictures,the most friends,the best updates! It is pointless really comparingyourself to others in the grand scheme of things.

    I know I sound like an old woman! Hard to believe Im a seventeen year old girl reading back over this! Ha Dont be upset over something so silly Im sure your gorgeous just the way you are. :) xxx

  • I never felt the way you did, which means you're most likely overly self-consciousness. I don't care if anyone posts anything to my wall on my birthday nor do I care how my Facebook friends (and everyone I know on my Facebook I know in real life) think of what they see of me on there because they know who I really am. Do I feel jealous when I see a buddy of mine hook up with a really hot girl? Yeah, of course, and most guys would to some degree or another, but I don't let it preoccupy my entire life and let it be a constant source of worry or paranoia.

  • you're able to see my facebok website, i glance relaxing, adventurous, athletic happy, yet right here i'm sitting in my chilly flat, on my own on the cyber web. that's fairly undemanding to paint a especially image on facebook, in simple terms think of the variety of hours you acquaintances have spent, on my own on the cyber web, importing %. onto facebook, and telling all of us what a relaxing existence they're having, on an identical time as sitting on my own on facebook importing photos and poking human beings. a minimum of you're having a existence, no longer on facebook, fairly doing stuff! playstation : i'm working this weekend and ironing.

  • WOWWW ! First , understand that people go judge you know matter what thats just part of life .

    second , if you scared your friends go judge you there not your friends , and third ,always remember mind over matter ... who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

  • Studies DOES show that if your on Facebook more than 5 hours, it can lead on depression.


  • No, you just have no self-esteem.

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