Natural menstrual pain remedy? HELP!!!?

So it's that lovely time of the month again and once more I'm having severe cramps, back ache, head aches and I feel like throwing up. I already took an Advil 6 and a half hours ago. It worked wonders for the time being but the effect has worn off and mother nature's wrath is back.

I would take another one, but my mother won't let me. Do you guys have any natural menstrual pain remedies that work? (Besides tea, bananas, and crunches b/c I already did those.)


  • Heating pad. Hot bath. Unfortunately the best ways to get rid of cramps you have to start a week before your period starts :( Sorry your mom is holding out on the ibuprofen it's really the best thing for cramps.

  • Hot compresses will relax the muscles, as will NSAIDs like Advil, Tylenol. However if you want to go herbal there are two I can remember that worked for me: Cramp Bark, and Raspberry Leaf. You would make a tea with them, or better yet, get an herbal tea made for PMS pains, it will have those and other good ones too. Drink the tea as per the instructions as soon as your period starts. And also, if you know roughly what week you get your period, the week before it comes you should do two things: Drink plenty of water, and do aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. This will cut down on the water retention which causes the bloating and icky feelings. And also eat your fibre so you don't get constipated.

  • laying down on your stomach once helped me.

    put something cold on your stomach

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