Car audio personal help..?

I need someone that I can text for questions about car audio. Would prefer in Oklahoma so if I ever need help with a box you could help me. But either way pm me or leave you email or something got a couple quick questions right now


  • Will you text me, Jonathan? I don't care if you live in Oklahoma or not.

    LOL Just kidding.

    Dalton. It ain't gonna happen. The world is too crazy of a place to be handing out personal information like that. It's sad, but true.

    Look up a professional in your area. Most don't charge anything to answer simple questions.

  • Sorry, dude, this is a technical global. Technically speaking, one might want to recognize the high quality details to provide precise solutions. With that suggested, formula do exist at the same time as desirous to carry close certain impedance's at the same time as wiring subwoofers. for instance, to cord subs in parallel, one may use the formula: z = a million / (a million/R1 + a million/R2 + a million/R3 + ...) the position z is complete impedance, R# are the relative subwoofers. this is totally accessible at the same time as the subs are distinct impedance's or for distinct configurations. We do only not want human beings to (explicative right here) their structures with incorrect information. undemanding experience doesn't continually reduce it. expertise is potential. in case you don't love the nice and cozy temperature...

  • dalton, the same media you used to ask this question is the same one you should use for all of them. why stick with one person when you can get a community that will educate you. bad mofo is right.

  • What's your question iam not going to text you but you can tell me and maybe I can answer it

  • lol really? why cant you just ask on yahoo?

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