Do you do drugs? If yes, why? If no, why?

Drugs like marijuana, cocaine, meth, etc etc. You know the stuff. Hell, even add alchohol and cigarettes into the mix. (even if they are legal)

I don't do any of them. Why? Because I don't like relying on a substance to let loose or have "fun" time. The way I see it, getting into a drug is like surrendering your own personal willpower to that substance. So now if you're stressed or bored, you can just resort to that certain drug to fix it. And in my point of view, that's giving up power, which means I'm showing a weakness. You may not agree with me, and that's fine. But that's the philosophy I live by, and it's been doing me good in my lifetime. I turn to other things instead of substance to let loose and release stress. Dance party and kickboxing, anyone?

So just tell me why you do or don't do drugs. Thanks. ^_^



Yes, but with drugs, you have a choice whether to rely on them or not.

With food and other necessities, there is no choice. (Unless you want to die.)


  • Beecuz when you have a mind like a steel trap, you don't need to muddie eet up wiss zee drugs. Plus zay are illeegal.

  • Yes...remember, that people also "rely on" food, exercise, gaming, etc. It's really more about whether you have an addiction or not--whether it is truly compromising the quality of your life and the lives of those connected to you. Only a trained professional can make this determination....

  • I dont smoke or do drugs because.. first i'm christian xD second, smoking is disgusting and third i dont need them xD a lot of people at my school smoke weed cause they think it's 'cool' and they're like what 13-14?!


  • I am prescribed vyvance. I take it because without it I can't concentrate. I'm very unorganized. I have.a.d.d so vyvance helps me with it.

  • Used to. My ex forced It on me. We was arrested. I stopped.

  • No, its common sense. Its only temporary happiness, it robs you of yourself without realising it. And if you do drugs or don't, watch it.

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