Destroy white guilt, destroy multiculturalism?

If whites never existed, there wouldn't be enough guilt around to promote multiculturalism as a strength


  • Destroy the antiwhite agenda and see it crushed beneath the boots of true justice and truth!


    GO DIE

  • Dear White people... Dear black people .. I disagree with the practice of attacking whites because there are more of them in this country. It is a free country so perhaps a movie addressing annoying traits of black folks ,yellow folks, red folks should be put out. See it is still racist behavior and someone needs to call it White Hate.

    The kid who was forced to drink toilet water and say he hated white people and Donald Trump is just not getting the same press as Clock Boy who had a sister who tried to sue the school in he same way. It is a family problem . When Richard Dawkins pointed out the charade about it being a science project he was rebuked by the press. Facebook was already censoring any information about his family owing a taxi cab service called Twin Towers Transportation. That wasn't controversial at all . Moving on , dump the white guilt. My family didn't own slaves . Since when do we punish the children of the children of people who once owned slaves . The Civil War high death rate by the North should be seen as payment so my family were Union soldiers . I should get a get out of guilt free card.

  • What's wrong with multiculturalism? Why would you want to live in an all white country? It would be boring to live in a society where everyone looks like you.

  • Ancestry DNA say all Americans are multicultural. My ancestors originate from four different cultures.

  • Hmm! The world is built on "IFs"

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