Wolves/ WolfDogs as pets?

Im not saying I want one yet, but I am looking into it. I know they need about 20lbs of meat a week, and they require very very much attention and training, they need alot of space, proper enclosures,and are not to be owner by the every day pet owner. Well i am not an everyday pet owner, and i have delt it pure wolves who are pets,though no wolfdog. What can you tell me that is important to know? I want to be informed before I truely even consider owning one of these amazing animals.And do they really need to be in a fenced in area if they have a very large amount of land in the counrty,becuse couldnt they become territorial, and not leave???

(p.s. I dont want to own a wolf/wolfdog purely for ego matters, or that they seem exotic, but i wish to inform and educate people on them, and do soemthing for their species)


  • Wow I am definitely impressed, you are probably the first person I have seen that has actually done there research! Congrats!

    Wolfdogs will need a fenced in area because wolfdogs tend to be have high prey drives and chase small animals. Also make sure you work with older children around 10 because the prey drive can possibly be directed at very small children which is why adult victims are extremely RARE while children are the most likely target. Note this is not the wolfdogs fault but that of an ill informed/ignorant owner.

    If you want to use one for educational purposes then you would likely need a puppy or a socialized adult, which are generally difficult to find in shelters because of poor owners in the past. Puppies on the other hand are more abundant but still difficult to find unless you are part of a wolf rescue network.

    I would recommend visiting the following websites, one is for more wolfdog information and the other is for wolfdog laws in your state.

    ~ http://wolfdogproject.com/ (information)

    ~ http://www.wolfdogalliance.org/legislation/statela... (laws by state)

    The shelter I volunteer at actually does have 2 very people friendly wolfdogs however they can be very picky about whom there dog friends are.

    We did just receive a wolfdog which we named Justice, he was a confiscation from an abuse case, he adores people but has shown some other dog aggression.

    Sky whom is with Justice at the moment is a very calm and mellow wolfdog (has not shown other dog aggression) and was rescued from animal control where they would have euthanised her for the sole purpose that she was part wolf.

    If you are interested in Sky or Justice contact Kim at [email protected] note we do home checks and extensive screening for all of our wolfdogs to make sure the home is appropriate and the owner knows the pros and cons.

  • I own a wolfdog, a husky/wolf and he's a handful ! He cannot be trusted off leash until all training is done, I need to assert my dominance over him daily, this will change once nuetered and once he gets a little older (9 months old now). Even if your property is fenced with a lot of land they will still find ways to escape, mine has, now he has a lead line and metal chain (he eats fabric ones like cookies).

    A friend of mine owns 2 purebred timber wolves, she has to walk them on a metal chain and they eat about 8 cups of raw meat a day (plus suppliments)save for fasting time (wolves don't eat everyday in the wild). They are allowed indoors but have the basement to themselves, as they will wreck your house (eat and tear up furniture, jump on counters, rip out faucets, eat any food on counter, destroy cupboards). They are not trained like a dog, they know sit and stay and lay down, basics to keep the owners sane, this lady has owned wolves for years so she does know what she's doing, you can't bring them into town and parade them around as they are not generally child friendly or dog friendly. They will kill any and all other animals on your property or your neighbours property regardless, they are prey driven and anything that runs is fair game.

    They live well over 30 years and you must forever assert your dominance in the ranks. Females are much calmer then males, but still aggressive and challenging.

    Hybrids are tugging dogs and it takes a lot of time and discipline (pinch collars are my hero) to teach them not to drag you, they are stubborn, moreso then a mule and are prey driven, though in a wolfdog it can be taught out of them, I have bunnies rats etc and he has been taught when they are out to stay away lest he gets a grab to the nose.

    They are beautiful remarkable animals, but require a lot of time.

    Though the cutest is when I have to leave him in the car or tied to a post he howls at me and won't stop until I howl back, to let him know everything is okay. Mine is not a barker, he is a yapper and does the "wolf/husky" yap, where he makes horrid noises and yalps and howls, they are quite vocal even though they don't bark.

    I feede my hybrid raw with suppliments aswell as my mal/pom mix (best buddies) as I find raw feeding is better for any and all dogs.

    That's about all i've got for now...

  • I love wolves as well. The Wolfman has entire episodes where he lives with wolves and his girlfriend.

    I think it's on Animal Planet or The Discovery Channel.com.

    You might be able to find out more if u just type in thewolfman.com...good luck.

    They're given to us by GOD, and they're destroyed by humans.

    Sarah Palin has over 10,000 arial killed each year not to mention the amount that are killed at Yellowstone National Park. It's barbaric!

    Good luck

  • No...think about it, if wolves made suitable pets would we have gone on to breed the domestic dog? Add: To anyone who believes you can cross a wolf with a domestic dog thinking the offspring will not inherit any of the "negative" behavioral traits of the wolf is misinformed. Why do you think so many states have bans on those animals?

  • My friend had a wolf as a pet. get them as a puppy, so they wil start protecting you, when the get older,they will be way protective of you, my mom almost got bit of my friends wolf because he was so pretective, hope this helps! You can train them to be just like normal pet dogs though.

  • Well they are Pretty much a wolf so you would need to be good and careful around it.Yes they can be Territorial and i were you i wouldn't but it could be interesting to try

  • they aren't legal where I live

    not even hybrids

    if animal control sees you with one they could confiscate it and put it down

  • they seem cool

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