Ramadan How do Quranists pray?

I am really interested in hearing a answer from a "quranist" I havent really heard much about them until recently and am interested in how they perform their acts of wroship and what are their sources that they follo in order to carry out these acts of worship?

a long video related to the topic of quranists as well


@Stormy thats what I had really been hoping for but it seems like they are not showing up.


  • They follow their desires through and through.

    And they often pick and choose.

    They'll say that they don't follow hadeeth, but sometimes they'll use hadeeth to describe the Prophet sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam or talk about Islaam with others.

    In reality, pure Qur'anists know virtually zilch about Islaam. The Qur'aan and the sunnah go hand in hand (and the Qur'aan tells us to do this too! Allaah tells us to obey the Messenger sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Many scholars hold them at the same importance (for the application of Islaam into our daily lives). And they're both from Allaah, so I really don't get Qur'aaniyoons.

    I think there are at least 2 of them here on Y!A. And one of them said they only pray 2-3 times a day :S (but don't mind praying the 5 lol).

  • A YA user nearly converted me into a Quranist once lol. I don't know much about how they pray but I beleive some or all pray 3 times a day since they beleive only 3 prayers are in the Quran. I think they also pray only surah fatiha since it is the only surah we are speaking directly to Allah. However, even if 5 times salat is not obligatory, Muhammed (saw) used to pray many nafl prayers and these "extra" prayers must have originated from somewhere. Also, the,second surah we recite is for ourselves to be reminded.

    Alhumdulillah, I am not a Quranist.

  • Quranists are basically people who dislike the idea of hadith. The concept is definitely difficult to understand even for a new Muslim. Unlike other religions, our main holy book - the Quran- doesn't have every law or ritual written out for us, and most of our religious duties come from the hadith. This is very difficult to grasp and I struggled with it, and I still do, because there's countless hadiths out there that can conflict with each other or even the Quran, and many times adopting the practices either seem inconvenient or just impractical.

    Quranists are people who simply want it out of the confusion of hadith, and so they choose to reject hadith altogether. Their idea is to keep it simple, which sounds good. But with the hadith they also reject the sunnah of the Prophet. Islam's foundation rests on the hadith, in fact without the sunnah we would not even understand the Quran, so that's why Quranism is not a valid path.

    And of course, like you said, they can't even pray. I suppose they claim "we just learned it from our parents" instead of saying "we learned it from hadith". I don't think Quranists hold any true scholars, since the sect is very, very weak and naive.

  • i was tempted to ask this question too; i will keep my eye on this. let's hope they actually show up on a question truly intended for them for once

  • I don't consider my self as a Quranist in spite of being labeled for obvious reasons but from all the research I have put in, the claim of those who keep pushing the idea of "Haith explains the Quran" besides being absurd (mere humans needed to explain the already explained words of God) does not check out. For instance when the question is put to them; how do you know there are "two" Rakat Fard in the Fajr prayer if you were to rely on the Hadith ? Obviously they don't have an answer to it. Then the logic should be pretty straightforward, we should use the same methodology by which the "two" Rakats of Fard in Fajr is arrived at to determine all the rest of the prayers :)

    BTW don't waste your time trying to find a Sahih Hadith on the matter and don't confuse the "two" Rakat Fard with Sunnah (plenty of reports on the Sunnah)

    From Quran the primary document we already know that it is more important to reserve a special time (s) to communicate with God, it counts more than exacting motions and chants. Basically the idea is to recite the Quran during Salat (the ritual part of the prayer) in Arabic if you know Arabic otherwise do it in a language you understand best, don't worry too much about getting it wrong as long as you begin by standing then bow and then prostrate and recite the Quran and restrict the Salat to the worship of God and his name. You are free to pray for others including the Prophets Pbut and their families but do it after finishing the Salat. Similarly feel free to ask God for anything after the Salat. With time you will be able to distill your needs and priorities. In fact there are more verse in the Quran on the manner of Salat than Sahih Hadith, all one needs is a clear mind and the courage to call out their respective sect's claims :)

    The other important thing to keep in mind is that by leaving out the exact manner of the Salat and other rituals from the Quran, God in His infinite mercy is keeping to His promise of not putting undue burden on us. There is a wide margin within which we can offer our ritual part of Salat, after all different sects do it differently and each maintains they are right.

    If you were to go on the Hadith Alone you will not be able to go past the Taqbir let alone determine the exact manner of the "Five" prayers. When you really bore down, it all comes down to "our scholars are better than yours" nonsense. If our beautiful Deen were dependent on just this absurdity then any belief system will do because each and every one of them have their respective "scholars" claiming they are on the right path.

    God preserved the Quran for us for a reason so that we will not become slaves to Mullahs masquerading as scholars. And that is my two cents :)

    Edit: BTW which part of the following clear worded verses sect followers don't get? we have to first pay attention to the words of God on the very issue of "explanation" of god's words before parroting words like "Hadith explains the Quran";

    "And they do not come to you with an argument except that We bring you the truth and the BEST EXPLANATION (وَأَحْسَنَ تَفْسِيرًا). Quran 25:30-33

    And then this;

    "وَكُلَّ شَيْءٍ فَصَّلْنَاهُ تَفْصِيلًا ............" Quran 17:12 Even Hilali the ultra conservative translates it as "And We have explained everything (in detail) with FULL EXPLANATION"

    So in essence if we were to cater to the notion of man’s words are needed to explain God’s words, even if those words are ascribe to the messenger of God and accept the floated idea that the official messenger of God in addition to the official message of God had “unofficial” words of God as way of explanation, then those "unofficial" words will have to be nailed down verbatim and explained as to why they negate God’s "official" words in the Quran and that God’s words FULLY DETAILED and BEST explanation are not FULLY DETAILED and BEST explanation .

    In conclusion, if we were to accept this version then the undisputed verifiable verbatim words of God are to be negate by the impossible to verify "unofficial" non verbatim words of God. Ironically the Prophet of God had instructed almost everybody not to write down these "unofficial" words. Imagine that. Furthermore the one or two exceptions are on record clearly meant to overcome forgetfulness issues specific to individuals and were never meant to sanction any type of official recording of it. Needless to say even in those couple of instances, these supposedly "unofficial" words were never dictated by the Prophet Pbuh as is the case for the "official" words of God where "official" scribes were appointed to record each and every word verbatim.

  • Please learn to write English. The answer is the same as all religions, stupidly.

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