how does a master's degree work?

i want to study Botany and I'm just a little confused with how that works. So if got a bachelor's in Biology and 2 extra years studying botany would I have a major in biology and a minor in botany? I'm just kinda confused on how all that works...


  • A minor is part of a bachelors degree and requires about half as many classes as major. A masters is a separate program where you apply for the degree, and if you get in, spend two years studying just one subject and get a masters in it. The classes are at a higher level than undergrad, so often require some background in the field. Some masters programs also require passing a qualifying exam and/or writing a thesis to get a degree.

  • A masters degree is what you can get after you get a bachelors degree. SO if you get a masters, you will have a masters in botany as well as a bachelors in botany. However, you would never mention the bachelors once you have a masters as only your highest degree matters.

  • Okay so i want to become a EMT emergency medical technician so i will need to go to school taking the right classes for 2 YEARS to get my bachelors dgree another 2 dlto get my masters degree and another 2 to get me doctorettes degree. The ranks are bachelors, masters, and doctorettes. When you have a degree your employer will look at it and see that you have training and exprience with the job hat you are applying for and it ll 1.) Givebyou a better percntage or getting hred and 2.) Get you a higher pay than what you normally would get from the start. It just ensures your boss that you know what you are doing. The time period for certain degrees may change depending on what you want to get your degree in and what state you life in states have different requirements. Excuse my typos new cell phone keyboard

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