Is This a Serious Problem?

Over the course of the past few months my menstrual cramps have been getting increasingly worse. Today it was the worst it's ever been.

When I woke up this morning I thought my cramps had gotten a little better. But then I went to go make breakfast and I doubled over in pain because it hurt so was literally blinding. So I took some ibuprofen and rushed to the bathroom to take a bath. All the while I was light headed and nauseus and had cold sweats. Also, I felt like I was suffocating; probably from walking while light headed and being nauseus at the same time and all the pain.

After my bath and falling asleep in the tub and after the pills kicked in I felt better. I made some chammomile tea because I heard that helps. But I was abnormally tired all day...I was exhausted. Just walking to the store exhausted me greatly.

I don't know if the pain is supposed to get this severe...I'm only 17. Is this normal or a sign of something serious?


  • I go tru the exact same thing.. I'm 22. I had that since I was 13. Doctors claim it's normal but not to me. To the point I ended up 2times in the ER and all they gave me was pain killers. What I do is when I know ima start my period, straight off the bat take pain killers tru out the day it helps .. For me the worst is 1st and 2nd day. But I actually do trow up and almost pass out. Usually falling asleep helps but with that pain it takes me about 45-1hour to roll in bed and moan of the pain... Hope you get an answer cause I wanna know too.. Good luck kid!

  • rather talking, there's no everlasting answer to zits for some human beings. a lot of aspects play a great function interior the form of zits. a million. Do you placed on your hair up or down? some human beings dont comprehend that the dirt of their hair ought to be the clarification for zits 2. Do you placed on make up? stop for 2 weeks and upload one elegance product a week to work out which of them exacerbate the zits. 3. Use benzoyl peroxide to locate cope with the zits. 4. placed on sunblock even while your indoors. as for the spots, locate licorice creams or hydroquinone creams for the marks, use contractubex

  • I have the same problem! My docter recommended I go on birth control, try tlking to your docter about it!

  • If your pain is incapacitating, see a doctor.

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