Do embryonic stem cells represent a human life?

why or why not? what are the implications of this?


  • A sample of unorganized cells do not represent a life any more than a drop of blood represents a human life. They could howver represent a second chance at life for someone stricken with a currently uncurable ailment given the opportunity to research the possibilities.

  • I'm going to assume you don't mean the embryo istself. A stem cells are cells that have the potentiality to become bone, muscle, anything in the body but can not by themselves become a human.

  • stem cells alone are not human life. However killing and cannibalizing unborn or aborted babies for research is no better then the actions of the Nazi Dr. Joseph Mengele.

  • You might as well ask if the millions of sperm ejaculated by a man are human life, and is he murdering potential people when he ejaculates?

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