Do you prefer JAMIE EVE or JAMIE AURORA?

But if you don't like these names indicate me another middle names. I like Jamie as first name. Thanks!!!


  • Jamie Aurora. Even better though I think Eve Aurora.

  • Jamie Aurora

  • Jamie Aurora

  • Jamie Aurora

  • Hey, I just answered your other question a moment ago (I gave you my opinion on liking double barrelled first names too, but I'm guessing you're sticking with the middle name idea?). I nearly said Jamie Eve, I love the name Eve but I didn't say it because I didn't think an 'ee' end and an 'ee' start sounded right together. I didn't think of Jamie Aurora but that is really pretty! As a middle name, I would go for that if it's between those two!

  • Both good. Jamie Eve is nice and simple and sweet, while Jamie Aurora is really different and intresting with a lot of integrity. My only consern is that Aurora might be a name easily made fun of on the playground, but since it's a middle name in this case I think your OK.

  • Jamie Eve

  • Jamie Aurora would be my pick. Personally I'd drop Jamie though, it's a nickname for the name James and you would hardly name your daughter James. Aurora Eve or Eve Aurora would be unusual and beautiful

  • Jamie Aurora. Jamie Eve sounds too short- although the meanings of the names also mean something. I personally love the name Aurora, it is where my mom grew up...

  • I like Jamie Aurora better.

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