how does a solar panel work?

IN SIMPLE TERMS, ive been reading websites and they are so complicated thanks.


  • SImple terms? These websites probably already use simple terms, if you want it to be accurate, you'd have to delve down deep into solid state physics.

    Otherwise: the simplest terms are: Light (e.g. from the sun) gets converted into electricity.

    In less simple terms, I too would have to start talking about photons, bandgaps and electron-hole pairs.

  • Well its contacts the sun

  • Solar panels consist of several photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. They are able to do this by using a conductive metal, in this case silicon, to release electrons from the sunlight and channel the energy into a current down the metal piping, which is then used to power the house.

  • Solar pannel work while the electron is moving .And electron is moving while the light is emiited on the surface of the solar pannel. It is made by two layers. First can taken the electron and another one is removing that existing electron and fill new electrtons from first layer.

  • The best solar panels are several million dollars and used for satellites. The science for this came about by observing strange static charges on highly refined strip mined top soil. Since solar panels that are made with the chains of rare elements that nurture water passage, porosity and organic decay by differential therms and cones of reactivities to aireate and nitrify potability minerals in complex layering schemes of nature, they destroy many square miles of farmland permanently and represent the most destructive form of electrical generation . Cheap imitations are tokens of the potentials of the optimum and most people know the indirect affects of thermal variation can create difference inpotential that are enough to sell to a hopeful public. Baked mud is used to warm and raise the solubility of waterwhich serves to make a salt bridge for a battery that actually creates the charge but cannot store it or regulate it without losing most of the power the panel would have spec

  • its contacts

  • A solar panel works in the presence of the sunlight or merely strong light source.. When the sun rays makes contact with the panel the mechanism of the light energy from the sun rays converts into electrical or other forms.. the conversion of rays leads into the working of panel...

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