Famliy problems plz help x?

about 3 years ago my mum and dad split up. for about a year my dad was still in love with my mum and since then has had a girlfriend what he got pregnant is not with her no more and is now with another woman, my mum and dad shared a house and have recently sold it and halfed the money. my dad has spent so much money on his present girlfriend and her kids and me and my sister have not had half as much! its not jus about the money it jus seems he doesent care about his own children any more!! my mum also has a new boyfriend who she is happy with but i hate him! my friends say im unfair and should let my mum be happy i agree but.... it was all a lie i had thoughts that she was with him and she used to lie to me all the time, and now it is all out in the open it makes me hate him!! i feel he is the reason why my mum and dad split up and it has ruined my life!! he comes round nearly every night which makes me and my mum argue!!! im 17 i wanna move out but nower to go ??? i feel i have no 1


i have tried talkin to my mum but it dont work!!!


  • Your blameing the wrong person.

    It was up to your mom to make sure your father paid support. When kids like you and I look to the inside of daddy's new relationships, we protray that it's HIS money buying everything when it's probably not so. I'm sure this girlfriend of his get's support for her kids and maybe she also works, so it's not all HIS money doing it all.

    As for mom, it really wasn't your business when she was dateing. If she lied, she did it cause she probably knows how you'd feel.

    She deserves to have a life just like you dad. I had 4 children and raised them alone from divorce. My kids were all good with their dads girlfriends, but they tended to try and run any men out of my life. I've been single now 19 years honey, and I am LONELY!!! My kids are all grown and gone, but I can't seem to move on. Don't be selfish and think your mom doesn't deserve a love life ok. Find one of your own. If your 17 it won't be long tell you can get out and care for yourself and do as you please.

  • Hey Elle, it's sound like you are really having a hard time just coping in life itself. Between your sister acting up and your mum and dad divorcing, you are really having a hard time. Let your mom live her life as she needs. She still loves you, it's just that she also has a life and she needs to be happy as well. I can also see why your baby sister is acting up now too.....sounds like she is having a hard time dealing with all this too! When someone gets mad for no reason, and starts arguing and is mad all the time, that shows that there is alot of anger built up inside that has to come out somewhere. Try and talk to your mom about how you feel and tell her that you think that your sister maybe be acting out because of all the turmoil she is going through. And for you, just try and understand that your mom loves you but she needs her own life too! I'll be talking to you again soon.

  • First of all, your parents broke up three years ago and you're saying your mom has a new boyfriend -- so he's not the reason they broke up. I'm sorry your dad is neglecting you. If your mom was lying to you, that's no reason to take it out on her boyfriend. Give him a chance; you and your mom will get along a lot better if you do. And in a year, you can move out and get an apartment with a room mate if you're still bothered.

  • You ought to try to get along with your moms new boyfriend because she does deserve to be happy right? Well anyway it sounds like she's there more for you then your dad is so give him a chance. Try it ok? Your dad has moved on so let your mom be happy also.

  • in the adventure that your sister is in hazard the place she lives, then she could circulate. i could enable the police manage the people who roughed her up, and that i could attempt your toughest to stay away from combating with them... provided that could desire to land you in penitentiary. stay inclusive of your sis, or ask your sis to stay with you until she will detect a greater advantageous, safer place to stay. superb of success.

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