How do i calculate O_o mass flow rate?

Calculate a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen flows at 400 C, 30 bar(gauge) and average liner velocity of 3 m s^-1 through a 10 diameter pipeline. What is the mass flow rate of gas if the amount of CO is 25 %?

1- calculate the volumetric rate.

2- calculate the pressure by converting gauge to abs to subsitute in the ideal gas.

3- calculate the total mass flow rate of a mixture which is equal to he mass flow rates of the components within it.

Please help i dont knw how to calculate these.


  • Taking the area of the pipe (10 diameter pipe??) and multply it times the velocity of 3 meters/ sec should give you the volumetric rate (#1).

  • I loved to play ball, and for the first time in my life, I'm actually useful, at a ballgame, instead of just a big stationary person, that maybe if the ball comes within this range, I might get it. I was wearing-I'd always wore XX kind of jersey. And then I went down to medium. And then the medium was too big, that it's coming down here. So I'm wearing a rockin' outfit, and I'm making a play, and the guy stops, beans it in the face 'cause he says, "Look at your body. You're rockin' hard." And that was the first time I had ever gotten a compliment like that in my whole life.

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