TEMPTING fantasy trade?

I send Megatron, receive Julio Jones, Victor Cruz, and Vernon Davis or CJ Spiller.

My breakdown/explanation: JJ has a nagging ankle and I'm not too sure how that will fare, considering I am 4-7 and need wins. Cruz relies on TD's (in my opinion) and has a performance directly related to how Eli plays, which is an absolute monster game or a pathetic one. Vernon Davis is ridiculous, BUT he is the guy that defenses will focus on shutting down first on the 49ers offense. Spiller is also amazing, but I've never been too confident considering his split with FJax. On the other hand, my TE is Dustin Keller and my RB's are Trent, McGahee (just injured), and McFadden, which is pretty ehhh.

I have full confidence in Megatron every week that he will get me points. One side of me says that I'd be stupid not to take it, the other side wants to cling to Megatron.

Let me know your opinion. Should I accept it, Spiller or Davis?


Megatron has 54 points in the last two weeks: 479 yards with 2 touchdowns


  • I think you should do it. It's worth a shot and you have nothing to lose considering your record. Take Spiller over Davis also, he's getting more touches recently regardless of Jackson's health and RB is way more important than TE.

  • If you need some receivers then do it and take vernon davis.davis is good for touchdowns but not that many yards.you can get pretty good numbers out of him.and julio jones is a beast and so is victor cruz.I don't think he's that dependent on touchdowns actually.make the trade,megatron only has one touchdown this season.

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