3rd normal form, database design?

I am creating a database to manage stock control of a collection of CD's. I am having problems putting my table into 3rd normal form correctly, the headings are

Primary Key, Artist, Album, Price, # Tracks, Year of Release

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


  • You have to break it into 2 separate tables. An artist can have multiple albums. Because of this you can have tuples of artist with this schema.

    I would break it into a schema like this:

    Artist Table: PrimaryKey, Artist

    Album Table: Artist, Album, Price, # Tracks, Year of Release

    This way if you delete the only album that an artist has you have not deleted all of the artist's information.

    This does not put it into 4th or 5th normal forms where you would be using secondary keys and transitional tables, but it does get you to the 3rd normal form.

    Hope this helps,

    Jim F.

  • You divide it into 2 tables:

    Artist: PrimaryKey, Artist

    Album: PrimaryKey, Album, Price, #Tracks, Year Release

    In this way you can easily search for an artist in an album or who are the artist performed on a certain album

  • This sounds like a many to many relationship. One e book could have different authors, and one author could have different books. to place this in third commonplace style, you like 3 tables for this. A books table, an authors table, and a connect table to hyperlink the two. a million. books id (universal) call 2. authors id (universal) first_name last_name 3. book_author (universal key on the two fields) book_id author_id as long as you are able to needless to say define the relationships between tables (one to many, many to a minimum of one, many to many), third commonplace style is common.

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