any cool blogger names?

hi. ive decided to start writing a blog, i really need a cool blogger name.

i want it to be creative, cool, unique, quirky etc...

my name is katie & im 14. i love rock music, guns n roses, motley crue ect..

if you have any suggestions please tell me (:


its just for a personal blog.

im going to write about all sorts, music included.

thanks for the suggestions!!



  • try which are available,also try ur imagination and which u want to write about.

  • Rawk8y (Raw katie, or Rawk katie). Maybe Retrok8(retrokate). Not unique, but all I could think of since I don't know you at all. Something more serious? Do you mean a URL name, or an entire blog title that could be something with spaces like "Rewind that Music"? It also depends on if you have a specific subject the blog is about (like music mostly, or if it's just a personal blog).

  • Blogger names are hard to make up, I made up Fiofragen for my self because, who else is named liek that, it is just to weird but if you want something that Discribes you, i would go with, Kateily awsome, Rockin out N Blogin out, i added spaces so they would be easier to read, but i hope you like my 2 made up names =D

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