Do stem cells help spinal cord injuries?

Have stem cells been proven to help spinal cord injuries or are they still researching it?


  • Stem cells for spinal cord injury / damage is still in research. And, to address one of the answers, I don't know of any stem cell research being done for disc problems. Disc problems require either therapy, surgery, or both. Depends on type of disc problem.

  • There is no data indicating that stem cells, as currently applied, help with spinal cord injuries. There are a number of international sites that offer treatment to well heeled westerners but the evidence is anecdotal at best. Patient experiences seem to lean towards 'enhanced sensation' rather than functional improvements. Mainstream research organizations are conducting studies on rats and dogs and, although they represent a reasonable human analog, success here does not guarantee success in humans. There is one company that recently applied for and received permission to test the safety of stem cell introduction to human patients. To date they have announced that the treatment appears safe (i.e., no cancers developed) but functional improvements have not been noted. In recent days a researcher using a synthetic scaffolding, human growth factors and stem cells has successfully improved movement in the limbs of rats suffering from long term spinal cord injury. Unfortunately, even this treatment did not result in functional improvements as the limbs were incapable of bearing weight.

  • A scientific care derived from human embryonic stem cells improves mobility in rats with spinal twine injuries, offering the very first info that the healing use of those cells can help fix motor skills lost from acute spinal twine tissue harm. Hans Keirstead and his colleagues interior the Reeve-Irvine analyze center at UC Irvine have discovered that a human embryonic stem cellular-derived scientific care they greater substitute into efficient in restoring the insulation tissue for neurons in rats dealt with seven days after the preliminary harm, which extra approximately a restoration of motor skills it particularly is estimated that the stem cellular scientific care in human beings will happen in the time of spinal stabilization on the extreme section, whilst rods and ties are located interior the spinal column to restabilize it after harm. at present, drugs are given in the time of the extreme section to help stabilize the harm internet site, yet they provide purely an exceedingly gentle earnings, and that they don't foster regeneration of insulation tissue

  • Good question that I would like to hear some answers back is in such pain and weakness from an injury of my l4 and l5 disc herniation.need to do something soon

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