Do you think Obama is a dirty politician?

Are there any politicians who aren't dirty? What's with this pharm. deal? Why aren't we regulating them to reduce drug costs. What was with the whole lobbyist don't play a part in my office?


  • Not a doubt in my mind.

    I don't think Ron Paul is a dirty politician.

  • I don't think Ron Paul is a dirty politician. And, I have found a new respect for Alan Grayson in regards to how he slams bernanke in congress regarding the Federal Reserves loaning of billions of taxpayer dollars. But yeah, I think the rest are dirty, if dirty means "ulterior motives".

  • Drug companies have powerful lobbyists that advocate on their behalf.

    The Pharma companies aren't the problem. The issue is that they are motivated to make profit first, which tends to dominate their priorities.

    You are not always trying to make drugs to fix society when your share holders want to see you making drugs that make money off of society.

  • I don't think Obama is dirty, but I think he is surrounded by plenty of them.

    I thought the same thing about George W. Bush. These are not bad men, but they both have a bad habit of trusting people who are.

  • Isn't dirty a synonym of politician? Therefore when you say dirty politician, it is like saying it is wet water.

  • you mustn't comprehend that Nixon undermined the Vietnam peace technique as a fashion to win the election, promised to end the conflict immediately, then enable our provider individuals die there for a number of greater years. it is by a techniques the main dastardly action ever perpetrated by an American baby-kisser.

  • yes, I'm liberal, there is no such thing as a courageous politician because courageous and politician are oppisites from allowing the war to signing the patriot act, doing what's in their best interest and not the countries.

  • Pelosi gets a nice contribution from pharmaceutical Companies as well

  • Yes, He's from Chicago.

  • If he isn't, he some how slipped through the cracks as being retarded.

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