MAJOR AcNE ISSUE!!!! =((((((((?

my acne has gotten so red and sooo much that today i looked in the mirror and started crying, ihate this so much! it makes me even more sad because i am diligently sticking to the acnefree severe system and it appeared to be working, but now its tightening and reddening to my skin and not helping my acne, which its supposed to! my mom sad im "abusing" it, but it clearly says use it AM and PM day and night every day, she says im sposed to use it like once a week, WTF NO ur not! acnefree, clean&clear, clearasil, nothing works, vitamin e oil, toothpaste, washing my face with soap and water, drinking plenty of water, eating fruits and veggies, screw proactiv, my mom says i shud leave my face alone for 3 days, which is when skool starts again after this mini vacation. i will, but leaving my face alone...... ISNT THAT WAT STARTED THIS MESS? dont u ******* need to put cream on it? its like one day without washing it gently or swwabbing my face with alcohal, i get huge breakouts, she says


i have been burning my skin, and is totally oblivious to the fact that underneath the red marks all ovr my skin from appplying benzol poroxide, I HAVE FUKNNG PIMPLES, duh thats fn why i put it on in the first place. when i try to get help, its like shes putting me down and saying NONO its not bad u had much worse her age, blbalbalab, and im afraid when she takes me to the dermatologist monday, if it gets worse from doing nothing, shes gona talk crap about me and my regimin and how i overuse things, and shes gona keep putting me down and saying O its not severe, she will grow out of it, WHAT DO I DO my eyes are so red iv been crying my *** off, my mom thinks im a baby and she cant 'take any more of this' i had a meltdown today when she said i have nothing, but all over my face i have raised bumps, pimples, but she says theyr not even raised! YES THEY ARE im soo mad, now shes gona buy some astrigent and cleansing soap, will this help me be acnefree? SERIOUSLY this is getting hopeless


  • I had horrible breakouts all the time before my period would start. I tried everything you did (over the counter stuff) I started taking Yasmin Birth Control and in 3-4 months it was completely clear. It's been about 7 months and I get one zit like every 2 weeks. The stuff is amazing and only $25 /month at Planned Parenthood. Just try it. I know it could be controversial, but if you're looking for a way to clearer skin, please keep this an option.

  • If you have severe acne go to the dermatologist and they'll prescribe you some vitamin A cream or even pills. Don't bother wasting money on over counter stuff your probably making it even worse. I have a friend who had really bad acne. They went to the dermatologist and went on acutene and now they're flawless. I've never once seen a breakout. Although it cost like over $200 it was worth it. They tried proactive and it made their face worse.

    If that's too expensive you can always go to Sephora or a skincare store and get a consultation. The estheticians there are great. They'll fix you up with a new face cleansing routine they will clear your skin, plus they'll give you free samples of the products so you'll only buy it if it works. good luck

    Also what this "acnefree severe system" your using?

    Usually it get worse/ more red before it starts working and helping so maybe you should give the treatment more time.


    1/ Never, ever touch your face.

    2/ Use 3 facecloths to wash your face, one to soap on, one to soap off with very hot water, one to rinse off with ice cold water, in that order, once a day.

    3/ If you are under 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A once a day with a full meal

    4/ If you are over 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A twice a day with a full meal.

    Do not get pregnant while taking vitamin A. Do not take any more, like Accutane, it will stop you growing.

    5/ Never, ever. pick, squeeze or pop your spot. Read number 1 again.

    6/ Do this for 90 days.

    7/ Invest in a brand new pillow and 2 new or more pillow cases to �double bag' your pillow. HOT wash every couple of days.


    A bit of advice given to me as a teenager, a bit of science as I am studying allergic reactions and vitamin A is a part of that. A bit of research: I sat in a lecture at the back and watched the acne prone pick at their faces, those with the worse acne touched their faces 32 times in an hour, the clearest complexions didn't touch their faces even once. I have circumstantial evidence that acne is the result of dermatophyte transfer from hands to face...where it does not get washed off and is well fed by hormones, sweat a

    nd oil...just a hypothesis... But it would explain why vitamin A is so effective as vitamin causes skin to remove dermatophytes.

    The secret is never to touch the spots

    Tips on how to treat acne and achieve perfect clear skin in as little as 7 days?

  • Drink lots of water, make sure you are washing your pillow case and washing your face before you go to sleep. What helps is Pro-active solution. Give it about two weeks. if you do not want to spend a fortune, head to Wal-Mart and grab some 3 dollar "Equate Vanishing Cream" Wash your face with Neutrogena and leave your face a little damp and apply a little of the "Equate Vanishing Cream". You can sleep over night with it on and then wash your face again when you wake up. That should do the trick. Also try not to stress so much. And DON"T feel bad, everyone goes through this stage. it just so happens the "Equate" brand that Wal-Mart only carries worked Magically for me! take care and good luck!

  • Your dermatologist WILL help you, no matter what your well-meaning mother says. Her words to downplay the horror you feel isn't working. All you can say when she goes on about you in front of the doctor is, "Mom means well, but I'm horrified. Thank you for your help." Other than that, following the directions of the doctor will be a huge step in stopping the irritating products that are brutalizing your sensitive skin. My friends and I ALL went to the same dermatologist, and each of us were given a different treatment and skin regimen - depending on our skin type. Enjoy going in the right direction. Don't expect an overnight solution - one of us took two months to see the final results - and it was well worth it! Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  • Okay I don't have acne but I once heard about this thing called Acnezine and it looked really good when I read about it I think you should try it. Hope this helps :)

    By the way you mention you are going to a dermatologist soon - they will almost definetely have something that will work for you - at least I hope so. I really hope your condition improves and don't forget to try acnezine which works from the inside out and I quote 'dermatologist recommended with guaranteed results' - so it may even be what your dermatologist recommends!! here's the website:

    I wish you loads of luck :)


  • Try getting Proactive. First get the face wash, astringent, and lotion. But since you said that your skin is getting a chemical burn you may want to try the green tea moisturizer first and then transition in to the regular face lotion, just to be sure. You'll also get the refining mask for free when you buy the other stuff and it says to use it like a face mask, but if you put it on the problem areas, and leave it on over night, I promise you that in the morning it may not be completely gone, but it will be substantially better.

  • Im sorry dear, acne is part of life and we all have to go threw it.

    I know it sucks soo badly and it makes you feel horrid, but hey im sure you are BEATIFUL

    Have confidence in yourself and imbrace who you are.

    If you dont think your pretty than who will.. Your beatiful inside and out..


    Make sure you drink ALOT of water, water helps flush out toxins that cause acne.

    Take Some Ibprofin, its an Anti-flamitory and will help reduce overall redness temporary.

    Also apply ice to your face to help with the redness because it is an anti-imflamtory.

    Make sure you do not over use the products because that can cause irrtation..

    STEAM YOUR FACE once a day and apply the product than use cold water.

    Hot=Open pores

    Cold=Closes pours


    baking soda works WONDEFUL

    except your face will get VERY DRY and

    it will draw out the bad stuff ( it may look bad first)

    So Mix a MILD lotion with the baking soda apply to face and let sit for 30 mins ( it may sting) than wash off and apply lotion..

    It really does help

    Also.. I learned that putting a small amount of baby oil on my face made it feel smooth and helped my skin look better

    Lemon Juice also helps take out the redness just put a small amount under your makeup and your good to goo.

    also for foundation use a green base foundation ( it really helps cover acne) and i use baby powder on my face that makes me smell nice anddddd keeps my skin smooth

    As for products

    Acne free never worked for me.. i tried it...

    Clean and clean the vanishing cream works for a spot treatment but does dry out your skin...

    Clearsil never had much sucess with me..

    However i did have Sucess with Nutogena Acne stress controll. and for proactive. its super expensive.. So i just bought the Oil reduce lotion and it really did help

    vitamin E works well if you have any soars on your face, however ALOVERA works WONDERS. It sooths the skin. helps soars and helps get rid of blemishes..

    Also a great mask you can try thats a home remedy is

    oatmeal and honey.

    Just raw oatmeal and honey... Helps soo much with dry skin..

    sorry for so much info but ive had to go threw it all and STILL DO

    good luck<3

  • you can try anything from acne free to proactive but you might just be going through the stages of acne and there might be nothing that will make the pimples go away permanently.. go to any store like Harmon's or cvs and ask them if they have any product for healing pimples. and your face might be irritated if you put a lot of products on it

  • yeah I know how you feel...

    If you have already tried all the over the counter stuff your best bet is to try to convince your mom to take you to a dermatologist. It's expensive but it's worth it!!

    If you ask your mom and she says no you can try saving your money if you get an allowence just to show her that this is something you really want.

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