How Do I Do a Fouette Turn?

I need a lot of help! I went to a dance clinic this weekend and everyone could do a fouette except me! HELP!!!!


  • If you can do a pirouette your already half way there! You want to start out in tondue then go into a fourth position and make sure you are in pliee, spot then turn. Make sure your using your arms and really using your pliee. To start you want to do a single pirouette then start your fouette. Don't go too slow because you won't have enough momentum to get around.Make sure your on relvee, but once you hit the front go down and straighten that leg, then back into a posse. Also my teacher makes us practice pique fouette and they help. What you want to do is step on the right go into posee on the left and turn step on the left and as the right leg comes up straighten like a seconde turn or ronde de jean aller and bring into posse like you do with a fouette. You can also lean against a wall or a barre and practice the leg going out and in. Hope that helped! Good luck.

  • The easiest way to learn how to do a fouette turn is to know first how to do a turn in open second. This basically means that you turn with your leg out to the side and plie to the front before you open again. Once you have those, you move on to fouettes. A fouette is almost the same as an a la seconde but instead of keeping your leg to the side, you only open it while you plie. Then, after you've plied, you pull it into a turned out passe and touch the back of your knee, then the front, and then you have completed the turn. It is difficult to explain in words but there are many more detailed videos on YouTube.

    I hope I helped! Happy dancing! :)

  • its really hard to explain but if you have the general steps learned they arent all that hard. when i start i do a reguar piroette and then drop your foot to the corner and pull up and put your foot to your knee and drop to the corner again and just keep repeating! it will take awhile to get the hang of it. good luckk!!

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