email scams?

i keep getting emails saying returned mail, from postmaster, but they are spamed, why do i keep getting these and how can i stop them,


  • Returned emails from the postmaster ain't scams it means that your emails you have sent the email to the persons address. think of it as getting a letter back from royal mail that you sent last week saying no longer at this address... it's sort of like that :) You need to make sure that the email address you are sening the email to is correct. Have a look and if it the same address that is says it can't deliver it too then it will mean the address doesn't exist and has been typed in wrong.

    You did the right thing original that is dodgy.... this one isn't though so don't worry :)

  • what's happening is the senders email address is being spoofed using your email address. The reason spamers so this is so that they cannot easily be traced. They fake the senders email address (using one they have picked up somewhere) and then let you (the owner of the email address) deal with all the bounce backs and postmaster addresses. There is not much you can do to stop your email address being used. The minute you use it to sign up to any site you run the risk of it being used. Eventually you may find that these messages stop arriving as the spammer goes on to use another email address as his/hers sender address.

  • I keep getting ones that say that I have sent them an email with a virus attached, and they send me a file to install to make sure I dont give anyone else a virus.The only problem is the file they are sending is actually the virus!!!

    Sorry not much help am I? I would just ignore them, keep deleting them

  • I get them too and I never open them. I just click the spam button at the top of my email and then I delete them. Not sure about stopping them, but I do know that if you open them, sometimes it alerts the sender that yours is a valid email address and so they start sending you more.

  • Hey that's not spam...U probably have mistyped someone's e-address

    They r warnings for undelivered mails

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