Will gas prices ever go back down?

Will gas prices ever go down, or will they just continue to rise from this point on?


  • They will eventually go down some but never back to what they were before this gouging began. They got us over a barrel and they're isn't much we can do about it..

  • We would be lucky if gas prices stayed at only $4.00. With china and india's economy booming a big majority of their 2 billion population are purchasing automobiles and thus driving up the demand for gas. A new president won't be able to do much, be ready for $6 and maybe even $7 a gallon for gas in the not so distant future. Why would the president care? If we as a whole we don't make a stand by not driving for a week or the truckers striking for a week where nobody would receive any type of shipment or packages then maybe someone in Washighton would listen. But for now get used to it.

  • No jenny. There is no way they can. There are more and more people using a resource that is diminishing in supply. Drilling for more oil isn't going to solve the problem. For example to get all that oil that people drool for in alaska, would take about the same amount of oil that is estimated to be there.

    The only real answers to the problem, the only way to get back to a stable world, are alternative energy and conservation.

    For some reason, these things frighten the power brokers and sadly most people just can't seem to grasp the problem.

    They keep wanting big fast cars that use too much fuel, and they keep resisting the little fixes that would add up to saving energy.

    There will be no real improvement until people face the problem.

  • gas consumption has gone way beyond what domestic oil companies can supply. We are now at the mercy of foreign oil as the rest of the world. Gas prices may stabilize but I think we are at the point of no return. The only way to make prices go down is cut way back on consumption like carpooling cutting out unnecessary trips riding a bicycle to work any thing to cut consumption.

  • Gas prices tend to go up a lot in the summer, then down some after the summer driving season ends. I wouldn't count on them going down to what they were last year or before though.

  • They will probably drop in November for a little while just before the election... but after that they will continue to increase... experts say in the next few years it could reach 10 USD a gallon...

    **Edit** I keep seeing people say they should drill more but........it's not a 'lack' of gas that is causing the price increase.... It's the devaluation of the dollar....

  • Down and up; up and down. Some day we will hit the high that we had under Jimmy Carter. Less gas and more demand means higher price. If we have more oil and use less the price goes down.

  • I hope so, in the 1950's gas was 29 cents a gallon!

    If only the eco-terrorists would allow the US to drill more wells and build more refineries. They have been claiming we were running out of oil for decades but we always seem to find more and create new technology to extract it from difficult sources. It s what is needed until the technology for new energy sources become viable.

    Of course the price of gas will drop drastically once we all drive nuclear powered cars....supply and demand!

  • It may be a much simpler reason for soaring gas prices than we think, this is my theory. With this global warming thing going on this may be their way of causing drivers to drive less,to keep pollutants from exaust getting into the atmosphere. Just a theory!

  • No the price of gasoline will not go down unless the demand for oil goes down otherwise then the gas prices will skyrocket until there is no more fuel left.

    This demand for fuel will eventually start a war.

    I think.

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