It firms the muscles below the breasts but doesn't really technically affect the breasts themselves. Sometimes this will create a nicer look but not necessarily. Breasts are mostly fat and if you work out a lot, you can actually make your breasts smaller (not that that is a problem - its not). It has a lot to do with your overall body shape to begin with.
for women Pectoral exercises can actually make your breast smaller depending on your diet and cardio. because womens breast are mostly consist of fat. when you build muscle fat %'s go down making breast smaller. This is why many fitness women have plastic surgery.
Yes. It strengthens your muscles in your rib cage area and back causing the muscles to be more taunt and therefore giving the impression of a breast lift.
Yes. I know a woman who is a weightlifter (UK champion) and her bust is terrific.
It firms the muscles below the breasts but doesn't really technically affect the breasts themselves. Sometimes this will create a nicer look but not necessarily. Breasts are mostly fat and if you work out a lot, you can actually make your breasts smaller (not that that is a problem - its not). It has a lot to do with your overall body shape to begin with.
for women Pectoral exercises can actually make your breast smaller depending on your diet and cardio. because womens breast are mostly consist of fat. when you build muscle fat %'s go down making breast smaller. This is why many fitness women have plastic surgery.
Pectoral exercises produce stronger pecs that lend good support to hold up firm.
Yes. It strengthens your muscles in your rib cage area and back causing the muscles to be more taunt and therefore giving the impression of a breast lift.