Ap Biology Test- Depressed?

Hey today is sunday its around 130 pm. I have an Ap Biology test tomorrow. I had a very rough night last night and got into a huge fight with my parents they are giving away my dog that ive had for so long and i ended up punching a row of 6 light switches with my barehands they all cracked and i stormed out of the house gushing blood. My great grandmother is also in the hospital and ive just been having a really hard time theese days with my family. I do excellent in school but i just cant study now. this term there will be 3 tests and he drops one this is the first test should i miss it?


  • i guess u get a grip .go home and relax ,nothing is hurt except your ego ,and your parents want good for u not bad,u will see it when u walk in the door ,get a good nights sleep and wake fresh and go for it ,and be sure u will answer well (the brain is full of knowledge sometimes we just dont believe in ourselves enough)

  • From you class load it seems that you are a really smart person. AP and honors only give you the extra weight on your gpa if you get an A - which a 70 is not. The teacher is crap so why stay there? Do you want your gpa that you are trying to maintain with all the other AP's and Honors to die a terrible death? If it is not too late to compleetly drop it and get it off your transcript then by all means DO IT!!!!! TRY AGAIN NEXT YEAR FOR A BETTER TEACHER OR DO NOT TAKE THE CLASS AT ALL

  • It sounds as though you are under a lot of stress, maybe worried about the results of your A&P exams.

    Do not go to bed too early this evening,about 11 pm would do, then get up at 7.00am and go for a long walk before you have breakfast.

    Take the test, and even if you do not do well, at least you have faced it and not chickened out.

    Stay calm, do NOT drink any coffee or cafein drinks untill test is over

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