Translate from arabic please: "خـــلـــيــــنــــا نــــشــــوف مـــن ا...‏. "?

It was written by someone speaking Lebanese Arabic. It possibly is meant as a question and it adresses a girl. Google translate says "Let us see from A", which doesn't make any sense, but: the girls name starts with an A. Maybe this helps.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance


خـــلـــيــــنــــا نــــشــــوف مـــن ا...‏.

Copy&Pasted it, don't know if its backwards.


  • It means:

    Let us see who A is

    The words for "who" and for "from" are written the same way, while pronounced differently.

    Now, it is also possible that the sentence is incomplete, or that "ا" was typed by mistake. In this case, the sentence translates into 'Let us see who'

  • For once, Google translate got it right. Unfortunately that is all the sentence says, and it does not make any sense, not even if the girl's name starts with A.

    There is a remote possibility that what he meant was something along the lines of "Let us see what happens with A..." But as I said, it is just a small chance and I would imagine the sentence you provided us would be incomplete for this option to be true. Was there any part of the sentence that you left out?

    Sorry but I cannot figure out any other meaning, not without additional information.

  • Go on google translate

  • Arabic goes from right to left. I don't think the way its written is right.

  • Wonderer got it %100 right ... I can't add anything else to what he already said, his answer is complete.

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