how do i clense my pores?

i dont have much acne, i have spots on my face from having acne before but their starting to fade. I have really bad cloged pores and i want to clense them. their mostly blackheads. some whiteheads also, but mostly blackheads around my cheek, chin, nose and forehead areas. I went to my determatologist a few weeks ago and he prescribed me some pills for my acne which did work but they didnt clean my pores. Ive tried clean&clear blackhead scrubs, the biore pore strips, neutrogena, and im using the clean and clear acne control kil right now. what can i use that will clear my pores without having to spend like hundreds of dollars?


  • The blackheads Neutrogena (the blue tubed formula with scrubbing beads) worked for me. I have seen a difference in a week of continued use. So, if you havent tried using it for more than a week, try. Any who, I have heard that heating some water and then putting your face above it so that the steam meets your whole face helps open pores and clean them, and once you are done doing that, for about 10 minutes, rinse your face in cold water. When you are washing your face always rinse the soap/formula off with hot water a couple of times, and then rinse with cold water. That helps me.

  • You can use astringent. Its like alcohol and you use a cotton ball and rub it over your face. It works for me because it pulls up excessive dirt that my other facial stuff didn't get and there be quite alot! I have blackheads but you can only see them if your close up.

  • just go to your fawmily doctor.

    have you ever tried the clean and clear continous acne cleanser?

    it works well

  • you might want to try queen helene's mint julep masque. its really good for getting rid of black heads and shrinking enlarged pores. you might want to give it a have nothing to lose. it won't make you break out.


    sorry about that! go buy some cleanser at Target... ;)

  • use toothpaste over night... answer mine????;_ylt=AqkKj...

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