How much do flash passes cost?

I'm going to the six flags and I can't find how much the flash passes cost


  • they have 3 levels

    $45 you have to wait the regular time as the queue once you have it flashed it will tell you what time or how many minutes you have left

    $65 is the next level your Queue time is cut by 50%

    $110 go right to the front almost your time is cut by at least 90%

  • Depends on which park you're going to I go to Great Adventure and the flash pass for this park is $110 for the Platinum flash pass which is 90% faster than the wait time. The gold is $65 and its 50% faster. Lastly, is the regular which is $45 this one you do not get ahead of the people in line you make a reservation and when its your turn for the ride it beeps. It's honestly not worth it .

  • 20$ not worth it at all. The rides times are not long at all

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