At the early stage without medication u can control teh diabetic with food control, exercise and walking in the morning regularly.Your food intake should be verycareful in nature.Atleast for 1 to 2 yrs u can live without medicine, provided u have avery good control on your food and it's supplement.
While it's a common belief that there's no cure for diabetes, you may be surprised at how much you can do to get your blood sugar readings in the normal range and keep them there. Perhaps one of the most counterproductive attitudes for a diabetic is to believe that your condition is hopeless – that you're doomed to progressively deteriorating health.
it is easy to control diabetes wen u r determined n care a little abt u.
diabetes in early stages can be controlled by modifications in the diet.
avoid oil ,fat,high sugar containing diets like mangoes,sapotas,high calorie caintaing food like ,pizzas,burgers,other fast foods,
take less carbohydrate containing food,in less quantity at regular intervels.
take lots of water at least 3 lits per day (but the frequency of urination increases)but it help in blood purification.n decreasing impurities by increasing filtration by kidneys.
excersice ;;daily walk for half an to 1 hour in the mornings n evenings is good.
yoga: certain asans for good funtioning of pancreas may be of help.
in advanced cases of diabetes:-medications will help u.regular medications will help to keep the blood sugars normal.
if medications alone doesnt help then insulin harmone suppliments will of use.
regular chek up of blood sugar level is compulsary.
consult a docter regularily.
normal blood sugar levels are-70 to 110 before meals.
Daily morning walk3-4 kms.,Kapalbhati pranayam, controlling weight, healthy lifestyle, eating habits and regular yoga/exercise will control diabetes. for more information about cure without medicines visit the website given in source:
discipline on diet, exercise 30 minutes everiday, take medication for your doctor. increase consume fibre from vegetable & fruits, avoid eating before go to bed at night. for detail information on blood sugar control, visit link site below
eat small meals 4-5 times a day.
do not skip meals .
reduce exess wait,if required.
maintain body mass index arnd 21-25
bmi=wt(in kg)/height*height(in metres)
walk 1/2 an hour daily in the morning in fresh air
nw check ua blood sugar periodicaly
n check glycated hemoglobin to check on ua long term blood glucose control every 6 mths
n carry glucose vit u alz it vil b neded in case ue blod sugar falls n becums lo(hypogycemia)sudenly>an emergency>it hapens at tyms.
Live a stress free life
avoid sweets fully.
Avoid coffee, sugar, refined flour and alcohol.
Avoid eating starchy foodstuffs.
Take low fat diet and eat vegetables like spinach, cucumber.
Onion, sprouts, beans, garlic and tomatoes.
Take less amount of oil in your food.
excess salt in your meal shud b avoided.
drink bittergourd(/karela/kaypakka/paavakka) jc daily apart fm takin med> as prescribed by d dr(if u "ve been)
kalonji or blackseed oil daily
den if u dont 've gastritis ----- den u cn take garlic n ginger
oatmeal porridge is gud if taken lowers cholesterol-d bad ones -ldl & vldls-n increases gud 1s
olive oil if affordable is gud if taken daily.
take care of ur ur eyes,foot n hands daily.
c fr loss of sensation in d feet or difficulty in wearin shoez/slippers
if both ur legs r swollen n urine flo's lo b sure to consult ur dr. n ask him if it is due to diabetes
neem leaves r gud if taken daily
Boil 15 fresh Mango leaves in 1 glass of water. Leave overnight. Filter this water and drink first thing in the morning
Add 3-table spoon of cinnamon to 1 litre of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes in a low flame, and then strain the mixture. Drink this mixture daily
Eat tender curry leaves (fresh) twice a day
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of ground bay leaf and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric in 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel. Take this mixture 2 times a day before lunch and dinner
take 60gm jamun(/blackberry/) in boiling water .cover it.aftah 1/2 an hour mash it n seive.divide it into 3 parts n drink.
Cure Diabetes Problems Naturally :
At the early stage without medication u can control teh diabetic with food control, exercise and walking in the morning regularly.Your food intake should be verycareful in nature.Atleast for 1 to 2 yrs u can live without medicine, provided u have avery good control on your food and it's supplement.
While it's a common belief that there's no cure for diabetes, you may be surprised at how much you can do to get your blood sugar readings in the normal range and keep them there. Perhaps one of the most counterproductive attitudes for a diabetic is to believe that your condition is hopeless – that you're doomed to progressively deteriorating health.
it is easy to control diabetes wen u r determined n care a little abt u.
diabetes in early stages can be controlled by modifications in the diet.
avoid oil ,fat,high sugar containing diets like mangoes,sapotas,high calorie caintaing food like ,pizzas,burgers,other fast foods,
take less carbohydrate containing food,in less quantity at regular intervels.
take lots of water at least 3 lits per day (but the frequency of urination increases)but it help in blood purification.n decreasing impurities by increasing filtration by kidneys.
excersice ;;daily walk for half an to 1 hour in the mornings n evenings is good.
yoga: certain asans for good funtioning of pancreas may be of help.
in advanced cases of diabetes:-medications will help u.regular medications will help to keep the blood sugars normal.
if medications alone doesnt help then insulin harmone suppliments will of use.
regular chek up of blood sugar level is compulsary.
consult a docter regularily.
normal blood sugar levels are-70 to 110 before meals.
150 to 180 after meals
Daily morning walk3-4 kms.,Kapalbhati pranayam, controlling weight, healthy lifestyle, eating habits and regular yoga/exercise will control diabetes. for more information about cure without medicines visit the website given in source:
No home remedies - vitamins and homeopathic crap will not help your diabetes.
Take your medication, stick to your diet and try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week.
discipline on diet, exercise 30 minutes everiday, take medication for your doctor. increase consume fibre from vegetable & fruits, avoid eating before go to bed at night. for detail information on blood sugar control, visit link site below