Pregnant, yes/no?

I've had unprotected sex [pull out method] about 4 times in the past month. My period is a day late, and in the past week, i've experienced fatigue, nausea, cramps, bloating, and headaches, and on one day I could eat and eat and eat without getting full. i've gotten moody but i know thats one thing that i always get before my period, the other symptoms are on and off. Should I take the pregnancy test now or wait another week? does it sound like i'm pregnant?


  • Take the test now... I took mine a day after my missed period and got a positive :)

  • you should buy a test with more than one in it and take one now and if it's neg wait a week or 2 and take the other one. Because it could just be too early to get a positive result, and the tests that have 2 or 3 tests in them are only like 3 bucks more(what a deal haha).

  • I am not totally sure but I would wait a week and then take the pregnancy test.

  • Take the test. Hopefully you are married. Too many unwed mothers out there and a baby is a big responsibility, that lasts longer than 18 years. Are you ready for that? If not use birth control, but if you are pregnant, please don't abort. I know people wanting to adopt.

  • might be but take a test(unprotected sex 4 times in the past month not to sound you know know but DAM!)

  • Take the test!

  • take a test

  • Try taking a test now.

    Cuz it sounds like you might be.

  • To be sure you can take a test now.

  • Your in the clear to test now.

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